A short little story about our favorite skincare brand.

I started taylered2U with the hope of helping others understand what exactly is in the skincare they adore and use daily. It began with my own curiosity as a product-junky teen. In hopes to narrow down the basics and figure out what actually was working best for me and my skin, I became engrossed in reading labels and truly understanding ingredients and formula compositions. And as a result, taylered2U was born.

Where I’ve found the ingredients and formulas that work best for me (which I am excited to share), my hope is to someday supply a truly bespoke, tailored and unique array of formulas for each and every one of you. Just like in dieting - different products work for different bodies. Think of taylered2U as a diet for your skin, cutting the crap & loading up on the good stuff.

Tayler Whitters